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Habitat for Humanity Sanford Area is currently seeking additional Donation Ambassadors to assist at the Habitat ReStore.  Donation Ambassadors serve as the public face of Habitat to the thousands of residents who donate new and gently used items to the ReStore annually.  Sales at the ReStore support affordable housing in Lee County.

Goal of the Job:  Provide donors with a positive donation experience.  Sort and prepare donations for the sales floor. Maintain the order and cleanliness of the receiving area. 

Core Responsibilities: 

• Ensure every donor receives timely, courteous service.
• Assist donors with unloading donations from vehicles. 

• Sort and prepare donations for the sales floor.

• Assist in the pricing of merchandise. 

• Assist in the unloading of ReStore trucks. 

Secondary Responsibilities: 

• Keep areas of responsibility clean and neat including proper disposal of trash & recycling. 

• Assist donors or customers with general information or questions.

• Assist in the inventory, storage, and movement of donated and purchased products.
• Perform other duties as assigned with a sense of humor and team spirit.

Qualifications or special skills needed:  

  1. Understand Habitat for Humanity’s mission and values.

  2. Maintain a neat appearance and positive representation of Habitat.

  3. Demonstrate problem-solving skills and ability to work under pressure.

  4. Work well and communicate effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

  5. Establish, foster and maintain effective working relationships.

  6. Able to lift up to 50 pounds unassisted, 75 pounds assisted.

  7. Ability to bend down to pick up and move items as well as climb a ladder.

  8. Must demonstrate safety awareness in vehicles and use of equipment.

  9. High School Diploma or GED

Training provided: All employees will go through an orientation and training to learn necessary policies and procedures.

Click Here to Apply No phone calls, please!


Anti-Discrimination Policy

                                                         Anti-Racism Policy Clients, Volunteers and Employees
Habitat for Humanity Sanford is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, flexible, and respectful environment for staff, volunteers and clients free from racism, racial discrimination, and harassment. All Habitat for Humanity Sanford staff must treat others with dignity and courtesy, and We acknowledge that an anti-racism approach must be intersectional, looking at how race, gender, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, dis/ability, or other aspects of identity, as well as class exploitation, overlap to inform experiences with oppression or privilege, both interpersonally and systematically. Ultimately, an anti-racism approach recognizes every person’s inherent human dignity and entitlement to the economic, social, cultural, and political rights and freedoms outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments. 
By effectively implementing our Anti-Racism Policy, Habitat for Humanity Sanford commits to providing an environment for all participants that promotes respectful and positive behavior and values.
All clients, staff and volunteers will have an environment that:
• recruitment, selection, retention, promotions, and progressive discipline that are based on an equity framework that strives to create a culturally diverse and inclusive workplace 
• is free from racial discrimination and harassment 
• the right to raise issues or to make an inquiry or complaint in a reasonable, respectful, and confidential manner without being victimized 
• reasonable flexibility in working arrangements, especially where needed to accommodate family, cultural, kinship responsibilities, or religious beliefs. 
All staff, clients and volunteers must:
• follow the standards of behavior outlined in this policy 
• respect the confidentiality of the complaint resolution procedures 
• treat everyone with dignity, courtesy, and respect at all times 
• act in accordance with the safeguarding policy to be responsible and accountable for their behavior at all times. 
We, here at Habitat for Humanity Sanford, strongly condemn all forms of racism, discrimination, prejudice, and bullying that violate the human rights of any individual.

We're Hiring!

Phone:  (919) 774-6767
Mailing address 
PO Box 3821

Sanford, NC 27331

Habitat ReStore

413 Wicker Street
Sanford, NC 27330

Sunday - Monday    Closed

Tuesday - Friday     9:00 am-5:00* pm

Saturday                  9:00 am-3:00* pm

*Note we will not accept donations 60 minutes prior to the store closing to allow for us to clean up outside space

Administrative Offices

405 Wicker Street
Sanford, NC 27330

© 2021 Sanford Area Habitat for Humanity |  Terms of Use  |  Privacy Policy

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